Sustainability Pioneers - Boulder

Check out the Sustainability Pioneers site!

Energy transition does not happen overnight – it is a step by step process. Steve Pomerance from Boulder, Colorado built a solar home after learning about climate change in the 1970’s. Since then he, with a group of other concerned citizens and the city of Boulder, have been paving the way for the city to go fossil free by 2030. Along the way, they are pressuring the state and the utility to go green with them.
Jonathan Koehn, Regional Sustainability Coordinator of the City of Boulder, explains why Boulder is attempting to municipalize its utility, and Karl Rábago, Executive Director of the Pace Energy and Climate Center, paints a bigger picture of how the utility industry is -or is not- responding to climate change.

Here is a
Vimeo VIDEO of about 13 minutes that tells the story, from the highly skilled Kirsi Jansa and team.